Thursday, February 2, 2023

Winter adaptations--bugs and birds

We are looking at the science of winter this year.  Animals and their different adaptations are an interesting nature study for winter.  Much of our study was inspired by the "Great White North" Nature Study from

One of our questions we wanted to dig into more is where do insects go in the winter?

Another question is: How do the birds know when it's time to migrate?

And how do they know where to go?

We researched the "flyways" that birds used and colored the 4 main flyways onto our bird migration map.

 This Song is a fun reminder of the different adaptations animals use to weather the winter.  

Where do Bugs go in Winter? Also mentions frogs and snakes.

Flyways of the great migration:

How do birds prepare for migration?

Why do animals migrate back when the weather warms up?

We are getting excited for the Great Backyard Bird Count happening February 17-20th.  I love that our study of birds is overlapping this event!

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