I came across this quote, which sounds very reasonable.
Bernarr Macfadden’s philosophy. This pioneer in health made an astute comment back in 1928—one that serves us well to follow today: “The reader should now be fully persuaded to accept the statement of our assurance that most disease is preventable. There is no physician of any school who will not agree to the proposition that if the body be healthy it has the power to resist the aggressions of any kind of disease. Even though one accept the germ theory to its fullest extent, we have shown that disease germs cannot grow and thrive in a healthy organism. No matter what contagion is, or how it works, it has no power over a healthy body.” (Macfadden’s Encyclopedia of Physical Culture, p. 66.)
So how does one keep healthy? Doing all the unmedicated things that I now have a new reason to fit into our schedule: eat well, take vitamins, exercise, less sugar, simplify and stress less, and get plenty of rest.
Those things are certainly cost effective compared to prescriptions and don't come with the risk of nasty side effects!
I'm grateful for modern medicine, but I often question the need to medicate everything as avidly as our society does. There is value for the mind and body in being outside for instance. Medically proven in medical journals that being outside prevents illness...sunshine and fresh air really are great medicine!
I really need to remember to make sure I take my own medical advice (not just send the kids out to play so I can get something done)!